Only accepting 3 more couples for 2024. inquire to see if your date is availalbe.






getting married in 2024? Only accepting 5 more couples. inquire to see if your date is availalbe.

I'm Honored You are Considering My Team and I for Your Photos.


You deserve the absolute best. That's why I want to make sure my team and I are the best choice for you!

In my opinion, the best relationships are built on strong communication...starting with this contact form! The more details you can give me about your story the better. Think you're writing too much? I promise, you're not.

It's so important for me to be intentional with my clients, to work with couples who share my brand values and who are genuinely excited to work together. Once I have your contact form completed, I'll be in touch within 24-48 hours (if you don't hear from me by then check your spam folder, I reply to EVERY inquiry, even if I am unavailable). If you haven't heard from me in 2 days, feel free to send me an email directly at

x Masha

We'll be contacting you soon. ;)